Got so involved in the group project these few weeks, I had totally forgotten about the blog.
Well better late than never hey!
Here we go then, this term we will be discussing the way in which we are graded or marked for our work. How we are forever being given a percentage that is supposed to reflect our intelligence or progress?.
The problem is that even when we do fail, there is now this strange solution that just adds to the problem. Re-sits are now available to those who did not get the marks they needed.
Sometimes we fail because the course or lesson that your learning just is not for you and this whole thing about the stigma that failure is bad is a myth. All Re-sits do is relive the failure over again.
Of course if you try hard enough you can pass the second time but here is where i think that it gets a bit stupid, because in some exams the questions are the Flipping same!
You are going to do better when the test is the same over and over.
So this is by far, a terrible way to judge a persons intelligence.
The thing about art and courses not judged by exams is that they are more complicated to mark as wrong or right. The part about art is that we all know what a chair looks like so you know what a picture of a chair looks like but how do we judge what a good painting of chair is.
Well it all begins in how we mark and grade ourselves mentally. We all do it because of the way we are brought up and had these drilled into us.
When we grade ourselves we tend to fall into the trap of how long it took you or how much you have improved. This is all fine for self improvement, but when you consider that you are to be given a grade then you realise that this is a bad way to judge.
So then you have to consider "What is enough work?" and "How long should it take me?", it becomes very difficult to decide what is good enough and how much of it you need to get the best grade.
Is it possible that sometimes you just cant grade work and that maybe we should just pass and fail.
"But then again where do you draw the line for pass and fail?"
In my oppinion I have to agree with an explanation that Mike gave, about the marking system being more organic than just the linear system of pass and fail. More just flow up and down and even sometimes round in circles.
When I heard him say it I understood what he ment but when I tryed to put in words I could only say those same words. Maybe the marking system is flawed and maybe their is a better way to do it but until it can be made into a bit more than hippy mumbo jumbo of going up to come downand fowing in circles like some drug trip then we will just have to deal with it.
The only way in those types of situations is to ensure you try your hardest and do the most that you are capable of. Also as I have learnt of my own experience, I beleive you can achieve more in something that you enjoy rather than something that you have no interest.
My Passion for games and films have always been present and when I found that I had an interest with art as well. Putting them together was a given.
This has allowed me to push myself and learn skills I had not got before such as 3DS Max and Photoshop.
Quote to remember:
"It is the good that makes it good and it is the bad that makes it bad." by Joelian Webb
Till next time cya!