How Vein? Ergonomics
It is the same with all things really.
When you buy a coat, we naturally or maybe i should say i naturally go for what looks best on me and not really the coat that may keep me warm in the winter months. Which may explain why i have this cold.
But i feel we are drawn to all things beautiful, but the beauty of that is *no pun intended, that we all find different things to be beautiful.
Which reminds me of one of our drawing trips to the museum with chris. The floor was coverd in butterflies and i heard someone say they were beautiful and i dissagree they disgust me with their pointless exsistence and moth like resemblence.
Consoles have been many shapes and sizes as shown on this timeline
It's funny when i think i used think the nintendo entertainment system looked cool but in my oppinion it doesnt matter, because all true gamers know Retro is what its all about.
Im putting this link in because it just makes me laugh looking at that PS3 controller.
I only have one word to say and thats Bannanaramma. It has also bin called the frisbe, the boomarang and the jaw bone. All these are fine and relevent i might add. As it is obvious to see from the link that they had not made the controller for looks, but in fact to just sit in your hand better, as shown brilliantly by the little demo video of a guys hands. Which is more than what microsoft have done for people. Their XBox controller should come with a heavy lifting warning like bend your knees or please do not carry for more than 5 seconds or it will cause perminent damage to your lower back. Better still it should come with its own stand. No but seriously what were they thinking.
The controllers for consoles are changing and developing as quick if not quicker than the consoles themselves.
I feel that they are making games to widely spread across the consoles that your never quite sure what sort of game your gonna get. The graphics may be worse than others and worst of all the controller's buttons are different and they may be harder to play.
I was playing SSX tricky at Hicks flat and he has it for the XBox but i have it for the PS2.
The probem is for those of you who have never played the game, you use the shouder buttons to do your moves. Hear lies the problem the XBox only has 2 shoulder buttons to the PS2's 4.
Instead the XBox requires you to ues a different set of buttons which happen to be far harder to use.
This is an important issuse of which seems overlooked time and time again. When companys make games for multiple consoles they have to take into consideration the many assets of graphics and gameplay being effected by controllers.
If they continue to ignore this problem it is only going to get worse as consoles are becoming more individual. The special Wii controller is a great example of things to come and difficultys to over come.
Till next time cya