Story Time
Yeah the storyline of games now that is a talking point, but where to start, at the beginning of course. (sry force of habbit.)
It always been a question of do games need to have storylines or is it that it just happened without us knowing.
I believe them both to be true in a way because if we look at early games such as the classic space invaders, even that as competely basic as the game was had a very simple storyline to it, which was that it was up to you to destroy the invading aliens.
The argument begins when you start confusing storline with telling you how to play. You see the aim would be the same if it were invading frogs except the storline would change.
As games have become more detailed so have their storylines.
Just picking a genre at random erm.... First Person Shooter (FPS) Doom was quite basic graphics and simple story. Just blow up every alien you see and hope for the best was always the best tactic for that game i always found.
If you look at halo or the new Doom3 made some years later they still have very simular gameplay, as in pray and spray! But the story has improved greatly.
This is i feel a good thing as in if the storyline is gripping you become emersed in the game and can start to beleive you are these characters trapped in another world or that it is your team of soldiers thats dying out there. It is this that gives you the insentive to play more and get of this alien world or go and save your team.
The story is what adds just that extra enjoyment out of games that i have come to love so much.
As you are probably aware im a big final fantasy fan and if i was choose one thing i feel is the reason i love them so much then i would have to pick their story. Why else did they feel they could make sequels. They even made one sequel a film, final fantasy advent children, which i might add i was so eager to see i got a Japanese version 1 month before its UK release. It still sounds cooler to hear them speak japanese, but it was cool just hearing them speak.
Going back to the subject i feel that some games need more detailed storylines than others. For example Role Paying Games (RPG)'s are story based games, so without a half decent story they fail before they even began. Games like tony hawk's skateboarding and other sports titled games dont need complicated storys as they are played more for their gameplay and detailed accuracy for real life.
But as i have said time and time again no matter what the game, wether the story and gameplay are terrible, games developers are bent on creating the perfect graphics.
But they dont they?

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