The Daily Gamer

Everything i know about games and all my experiences.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Your creativity and wit is absolutely perfect for a Dagger! It's lightweight and the easiest to use of all weapons - even a child can use this! Whether its stealthily stabbing someone behind their back, throwing it towards someone's heart or doing quick slashes - the Dagger does it perfectly. Sometimes being a quick thinker can be advantageous when wielding a Dagger.
You know it is strange having all these wierd tests you take on the net.
None of them I believe and yet some are so correct. Does it have something to do with who writes the test. In fact who does write the tests?!?!
This is the result from a test on Facebook for what your personality is in relation to a weapon.
The reason I posted it was because it mentions me being creative and I thought that that was an interesting argument against the last test I took on Synesthesia.
After talking to Powell about my result on the Synesthesia test I started to think about how right he was that you can be taught but you can also be taught how to pass exams.
It sounds the same but in fact they are two totally opposing things. As when we disscussed this, we said that, (using The Apprentice as an example lol) you can get good grades and pass all your exams with the highest mark. But sometimes you are not clever in real world situations and make obvious mistakes.
The strange thing about being graded all the time is that you can only really learn real life situations in theory and in a contolled enviornment but not have learnt how to act apon them or really of experienced them for yourself.
This is why I like work experience and placements. I think that more exams and grades should be spread among more physical elements as well as just written theory.
So when we discuss how to decide whats good and whats bad in these situations, its easy. The person who is good has done well and for example brought in a wonderful crop for the season. The person who has done bad will of not got any harvest or flooded his fields. That was a really strange example of which I have no clue where or why I even thought of it!
Im going to go now and sort my head out so,
Till next time cya!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Good the Bad and the Stupid (part 2)

When I made this post I found it hard to describe what I meant by judging work from one piece to the next. But this time I thought that I would revisit this and try to elaborate on it a Little more.

When I made a piece of art work either on the computer or in my sketch book even with my 3D models, I would just naturally try to compare it to something that I made previously and see how I had improved.
But with this it is easy to fall into the trap....!

You see you might start to beleive that because you have improved that this makes the piece of art work good. This might not be the case at all and in fact the piece you have just done is sill bad.
This is my example of just being stupid and a little bit unwise in my judgements.

A smart way to stay clear of this trap, that you can fall into so easily, is to try and judge yourself next to someone or something that is concindered good.

Which is why so continuosly we are told to look at excisting objects or places.
"Always draw from life" the never ending echoes of chris.
Although it pains me to say it, he is so right and yet why do we all stay stupid and ignorant?

I think that it is easy that way and people can get lazy.
Although people are suposed to stand on there own two feet and research, make the effort themselves so to speak. Sometimes we all just need a big kick up the arse to keep us from slipping off the short and narrow.

OK! I hold my hand up im really talking about myself needing a kick up the rear but thats only because my mind drifts uncontrollably into a world of its own and then before you know it I have lost my interest and all of my time to do it.

I believe that as for doing projects that maybe we as a class were getting more out of shorter projects of only a few weeks and not whole terms.
But I do realise that it was a necessary time scale for a project of this size.

The summary of it is, we do better at short projects because it teaches us to make more decisions and not fluff around trying to decide on what to do because you just dont have the time.

So what makes it good? I think that maybe it has something to do with doing everything that is asked and getting it right but also being creative with that. Doing something that makes it unique to you and can make something more interesting to the eye.

with that I think I will leave it.
Till next time cya!

Getting marked

Well crunch time has hit and all that has been building up over the last month has finally come into view.
Wether or not thats peoples vision's coming into view as a playable level or if it is the oppinions of one another and how they want to rip each other's heads off, because things are not done as and when they should of been.
But as i said right at the beginning of this project, "The people who are suspected to not do much work are going to be very visible".
And as Powell said a few days ago, "You cant force people to do work!" cuz they just wont do it.

One thing I have learnt from this project is that you have to remove yourself from worrying what other people are doing or as the case maybe not doing, and concentrate on your part. But although this is the case for most of the time, in some cases you have to just give people a push. As they may have something that you need so that you can continue.

Sorry that's just me being petty about leaving things to the last minute. When thats the pot calling the kettle black. I have not even finished alot of my drawing, so i will be scribbling away untill monday none stop.

But at least im safe into the knowledge that I can relax on the 3D as I have done my job as 3D lead and completed the assets that i was assigned.
I even did a few that I was not asked but were grateful for when I had done them, like a statue of myself based on a posed version of my avatar.

Now crunch time is coming to an end and stress is high for everyone and so they should be, as for myself im stressed because I want to show my best.

This term I have been learning some new skills that I felt were needed and have seen alot of people not only on the course but in the industry already have.
Such as experience with engines and improving your knowledge of photoshop and one im proud of and have also seen such as soph having a go and that is Z-brush. Which to my suprise was rather fun to use but a real time eater.
Even the first years are trying there hand at a bit of Mudbox which is worrying as it makes me think how to push even harder but I think I have found my own method to that......

I have been marking myself on industry standards and tried to fase out what level other people are doing as it is hard to judge where people are at the moment as many are good maybe at one thing but weak in another. But aim for the sky is the moto im going by at the moment.

So till next time cya!

The Synesthesia Challenge


I really like this test it was as fun as it was interesting and after looking up Synesthesia in a previous blog, it was cool to find out how creative im suposed to be.
As has been said to me before im half one person and half of another. The star sign Gemini comes true again!