It has been said and I do agree, there are alot of issues that you can talk about when discussing grades and exams and why it is so important to think about how well your work is assessed.
Then why is it that my mind does not want to think about it. Am I just being stubborn or is it something else.
This is something I have been thinking about for a while now, as this project has progressed to this stage.
This is something I have been thinking about for a while now, as this project has progressed to this stage.
I have realised that when I hear someone start to talk about something effecting their grade I stay very quiet and become nervous and sometimes even phisically uncomfortable.
I think that the subject for me is a mental thing that somehow and at some point made a mental block. To some this might sound strange but then, I'am pretty strange!

I have a large fear of failure, which is odd because I was never pushed into doing anything and so have no reason for being that way.
So what is it about the subject of grading and more to the point, doing your work correctly that makes me uncomfortable?
The subject for this blog to me is a way of finding out just that.
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